Page header image for Kingsthorpe Indoor Bowling Club detailing new brand colours

Central Avenue, Whitehills, Northampton NN2 8DZ

Tel: 01604 842931


Online Booking

Select either the Indoor or Outdoor Links for booking rinks.

BOWLR – Online Booking & Management System

Kingsthorpe Bowling Club (KBC) has invested in BOWLR Online Booking System to manage our membership, leagues, competitions, and rink bookings for our Indoor and Outdoor greens.

Not only does the new system save KBC time and money, by streamlining our booking systems, membership administration, league results, and competitions but it’s also a cloud-based system, giving our club officers and members the convenience of being able to log in from anywhere via the internet.

Once a member is familiar with the system they will be able to book rinks for roll-ups or competitions, view the schedule of league matches, even down to the rink that has been allocated. If you have joined a team you can follow results to see how your team is doing. A full list of members is also available to view via your secure Bowlr Login credentials.

BOWLR Indoor Bookings is KBC’s main Management system and is available to ALL Indoor playing members to book rinks.

How Do I Login To BOWLR?

Mobile Bowlr Login
As a member of either the Indoor or Outdoor sections, you will have been given your BOWLR login details including your password. Follow the procedure below to login into BOWLR and gain access to the various facilities:
  • Access either the Indoor or Outdoor systems from the BOWLR page of our website under the menu heading “BOWLR Bookings”
  • Having reached the BOWLR Account Login page enter your membership number and your password
  • For security, you may change your password after your first login. Simply go to the My Account section at the top of the screen to edit your details.

Bowlr Login Problems

If you are having problems logging into your Bowlr account please complete the form below and someone will be in touch.

To Book a rink:

  • Click on “Book a Match” (this includes roll-ups)
  • Click “Make a new booking”
  • Click “Choose Date”
  • Click on the Rink
  • Click “Book Slot”
  • Insert names of bowlers playing with you
  • Click on “Submit Booking”

You will receive an email confirming all your bookings.

To Cancel a rink:

  • Click on “Book a Match” and you will see your booking.
  • Scroll to the left and you will see the red “Remove” button.
  • Click the button to confirm your cancellation.

Other BOWLR Facilities

Indoor BOWLR can also view members’ contact details for arranging matches or contacting other members in an emergency. In addition to rink diaries, the Indoor BOWLR also hosts all the information regarding indoor fixtures, leagues and competitions. This additional information is not available in Outdoor BOWLR.

More info can be found on this site’s respective Indoor and Outdoor Lawn Bowls pages.

New Year's Eve

7:30 'til Late

Tickets from Chef Martin, the Bar or Social Committe