Page header image for Kingsthorpe Indoor Bowling Club detailing new brand colours

Central Avenue, Whitehills, Northampton NN2 8DZ

Tel: 01604 842931



Data Protection Policy

KINGSTHORPE BOWLING CLUB is committed to complying with data protection law and to respecting the privacy rights of individuals. The policy applies to all of our members, staff, directors, volunteers and consultants. This Data Protection Policy sets out our approach to data protection law and the principles that we will apply to our processing of personal data. The aim of this Policy is to ensure that we process personal data in accordance with the law and with the utmost care and respect.

Kingsthorpe Bowling Club will:

  • Treat all personal data with respect
  • Treat all personal data how you would want your own personal data to be treated
  • Immediately notify the Data Protection Officer, ANDREW MANTON, if any individual says or does anything which gives the appearance of them wanting to invoke any rights in relation to personal data relating to them
  • Take care with all personal data and items containing personal data you handle or come across so that it stays secure and is only available to or accessed by authorised individuals
  • Immediately notify the Data Protection Officer, ANDREW MANTON if you become aware of or suspect the loss of any personal data or any item containing personal data.

    Data Protection Officer: ANDREW MANTON
    Date: MAY 21 2018

Safeguarding Children and Adults

Kingsthorpe Bowling Club affiliates to the National Governing Body and the Club recognises the policies of their Governing Body, as set in out in the “Safeguarding Bowls Guidelines”.

KBC Safeguarding Officers

Maggie Edwards

Denis Hardy

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Kingsthorpe Bowling Club has carefully considered its responsibilities to the young people participating in bowls at our premises and within our club. It has produced the following Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and underpinning procedures in order to set out the standards we wish to uphold in providing activities for children and safeguarding the welfare of children in our care.
Kingsthorpe Bowling Club is affiliated with the National Governing Body and the Club recognises the policies of their Governing Body, as set in out in the “Safeguarding Bowls Guidelines”.

Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy

Kingsthorpe Bowling Club is affiliated to the National Governing Body and the Club recognises the policies of their Governing Body, as set in out in the “Safeguarding Bowls Guidelines”.

Club Rules & Etiquette

The Master Copy of Kingsthorpe Bowling Club Rules is held in the main office by the Club Secretary. Any queries should be directed to the Club Secretary.  

New Year's Eve

7:30 'til Late

Tickets from Chef Martin, the Bar or Social Committe