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Central Avenue, Whitehills, Northampton NN2 8DZ

Tel: 01604 842931

Andrew Manton and Neil McKee from Kingsthorpe Bowling Club who will play for England in the 2024 BIIBC International Bowls Series March 14th - 16th

KBC Members Represent England at BIIBC 2024 Internationals

Kingsthorpe Bowling Club are proud to have two members represent England in the forthcoming BIIBC International Series at Falcon IBC in Essex on the 14th – 16th March.

Neil McKee has played for his country no fewer than 48 times and on Friday 15th March he will reach a landmark 50 appearances.

Andrew has played on 21 other occasions and will be adding to that tally over the next few days.

Congratulations to both players and play well. We’ll be watching progress closely

Tournament Update

A clean sweep for England winning all three matches and the 2024 series.
Andrew and Neil play their part and help their respective rinks to wins in all three sessions.
Teams and all the scores can be found at 

Jamie Chestney of Ilminster Bowling Club, Devon and Neil McKee of Kingsthorpe Bowling Club

Jamie Chestney and Neil McKee

Jamie Chestney of Ilminster Bowling Club, Devon and Neil McKee of Kingsthorpe Bowling Club, Northampton who both received their 50th caps at the 2024 BIIBC International Series. Interesting EIBA fact - In the history of EIBA there have only been 11 other players to reach their 50th cap. Jamie and Neil are the 12 & 13th. They both received an engraved glass as a memento together with a card which had some early years photos.

Neil McKee momento photographs
Neil's card with some early years photos
Winning the Series
Neil and Andrew Manton celebrating winning the series.

Team Manager Andy Thompson, Team Captain Nicky Brett, Neil and Andrew with the series trophy and their winners medals.

New Year's Eve

7:30 'til Late

Tickets from Chef Martin, the Bar or Social Committe