Page header image for Kingsthorpe Indoor Bowling Club detailing new brand colours

Central Avenue, Whitehills, Northampton NN2 8DZ

Tel: 01604 842931


News and Social Events

Graphic depicting News and Social Events at Kingsthorpe Bowling Club

This News and Social Events page pulls together extracts from our blog posts and provides information and updates regarding current events, trending topics, and noteworthy bowls news stories from Kingsthorpe Bowling Club

This page typically features a mix of the latest news, feature stories of projects undertaken, and updates from our world of bowls.

Our social committee plays an important role in organising and coordinating events and activities for our club. It consists of one social manager and four assistants, who are all volunteers and elected annually. The committee is responsible for organising and managing a wide range of social nights and functions.

These events not only provide an opportunity for members to socialise, interact, and have fun but also help raise important funds for the club by providing catering and bar facilities and holding prize draws.

From quiz and race nights to bingo, themed parties and summer BBQs, the social committee tries to ensure that something is always happening or planned at the club.

If you have any ideas for social functions please let one of the committee members know so they can consider them at their monthly meetings.

Your committee members for 2024-25 are:
Social Manager: To Be Confirmed
Assistants: Jan Rolfe, Martin Brown, Bill O’Neill, Angela Brown, Sue Davies, Debbie Watkins, Tina White, Steve Jones and Amy Emerton

News and Social Blog Snippets

Bowls Drive

1st Saturday of Each Month 7 pm Start What is a Bowls Drive? A social, fun evening of bowls especially for newer bowlers to meet

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Image advertising Quingo Quiz and Bingo Night. Held on the 2nd Saturday of each month at Kingsthorpe Bowling Club


SAT 15th Due to Bowls Tour

please support your club


THE Indoor Season startED October 1st New Rink Fee £3.50 per Session

New Year's Eve

7:30 'til Late

Tickets from Chef Martin, the Bar or Social Committe