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Central Avenue, Whitehills, Northampton NN2 8DZ

Tel: 01604 842931


Outdoors Honours Board


Diamond Jubilee Challenge Cup

Men’s Singles – Diamond Jubilee Cup
2023David Walker
2022David Iddles
2021David Iddles
2019M. Gearey
2018D. Iddles
2017J. Bryan
2016P. Reeve
2015M. Gearey
2014J. Bryan
2013P.J. Morris
2012V. Gearey
2011P.J. Morris
2010P.J. Reeve
2009J.D. McKee
2008P.J. Reeve
2007P.J. Reeve
2006I.W. Walker
2005M.D. Sharpe
2004I.W. Walker
2003M.D. Sharpe
2002R. Mann
2001M.D. Sharpe
2000A.M. Hunter
1999N.D. McKee
1998A.R. Slinn
1997D.S. Wade
1996D.S. Wade
1995A.M. Hunter
1994D.S. Wade
1993A.C. Manton
1992M.D. Sharpe
1991A.F. Spencer
1990T.D. Burns
1989R.G. Tansley
1988D.S. Wade
1987M.D. Sharpe
1986D.S. Wade
1985M.D. Sharpe
1984D.S. Wade
1983E.P. Tredwell
1982C.C. Rowland
1981D.S. Wade
1980E.O. Thomason
1979D.A. Wilson
1978D.S. Wade
1977D. Crowson
1976D.A. Wilson
1975D.A. Wilson
1974R.K. James
1973D.A. Wilson
1972D. Crowson
1971D. Crowson
1970D.J. Adams
1969E.R.P. Smith
1968V. Cooper
1967L. Knights
1966E.R.P. Smith
1965F.C. Cheshire
1964F.W. Timms
1963P. Brown
1962S. Gamble
1961F. Tipler
1960F. Tipler
1959A.C. Billson
1958A.C. Billson
1957F.W. Timms
1956F. Capps
1955H.C. Banks
1954J.A. Wrighton
1953A.C. Billson
1952F.F. Maycock
1951J.A. Wrighton
1950S. Gamble
1949H.C. Banks
1948G. Brown
1947F. Roberts
1946H.C. Banks
1945C. Phipps
1944H.C. Banks
1943F.F. Maycock
1942G. Brown
1941G. Brown
1940S.A. Wade
1939J. Dunkley
1938F.F. Maycock
1937A. Parnell
1936E.W. Bishop
1935W.B. Earl
1934A. Helms
1933W.B. Earl
1932A. Parnell
1931L.V. Barford
1930J.H.V. Dyer
1929J.W. Rowell
1928F.F. Maycock
1927A. Parnell
1926D. Attwood
1925H.C. Tissington
1924A. Parnell
1923R. Cosford
1922T. Snowden
1921F. Harrison
1920F. Harrison
1919no record
1918no record
1917no record
1916no record
1915no record
1914T. Afford
1913R. Cosford
1912T. Snowdon
1911R.D. Cooke
1910R. Sampson
1909W.A. Henshaw
1908W. Kimble
1907no record
1906O.T. Ward
1905W. Garner
1904O.T. Ward
1903O.T. Ward
1902W. Garner
1901J. Soutar
1900W. Garner
1899no record
1898W. Garner
1897J. Warren

Outdoor Men’s Pairs

** denotes Not Played
2023Denis HardyMatt Desmond
2022Paul PappalardoGeoff Hayter
Ivan WilsonMick Sharpe
2017T. DawkinsD.Iddles
2016N.RolfeC. Wright
2015M. MilnerN. Rolfe
2014D. DentonJ.D. McKee
2013R. AtterwillM.D. Sharpe
2012R.F. E-WattsJ.D. McKee
2011D. BrittenJ.D. McKee
2010R. AtterwillM.D. Sharpe
2009M.D. SharpeP.J. Morris
2008E. HolleyJ.D. McKee
2007R. MannM.D. Sharpe
2006P.J. MorrisR.F. E-Watts
2005J. ParkerR. Atterwill
2004D. BrittenJ.D. McKee
2003P. WoodcockP. Morris
2002B. PooleM. Taylor
2001D. WestonM.D. Sharpe
2000D.J. JohnsonN.D. McKee
1999A. BillinghamJ.D. McKee
1998A. BillinghamM.D. Sharpe
1997D.J. JohnsonC.L. Fowkes
1996K.V. JonesC. Jones
1995A. SlinnA.C. Manton
1994T. MartinM.D. Sharpe
1993A.F. SpencerJ.D. McKee
1992T. RappittD.A. Wilson
1991C.D. MadenM.D. Sharpe
1990C.L. FowkesR.G. Tansley
1989M.C. HunterR.G. Tansley
1988E.P. TredwellM.D. Sharpe
1987J. DimmockE.O. Thomason
1986P. MorrisM.D. Sharpe
1985D. WestonD.S. Wade
1984D.E. WadeE.P. Tredwell
1983J. PayneJ.D. McKee
1982J. JohnsonD.S. Wade
1981K. FeltonE.O. Thomason
1980B. MooreD.A. Wilson
1979D.S. WadeE.P. Tredwell
1978W. StoddardD.A. Wilson
1977E. TaylorD.A. Wilson
1976A. CaponJ. Bloor
1975R. JamesD. Adams
1974R. AttwellE.P. Tredwell
1973D.A. WilsonD. Crowson
1972R.C. WorthR.K. James
1971R. KingstonJ. McGlory
1970N. WallsK. Onley
1969A. SpencerH. Rice
1968A. SpencerF. Musgrove
1967W. RigbyF. Goodwin
1966S. SearF. Cheshire
1965S. HillP. Brown
1964F. TimmsR. Fulton
1963W.T. RigbyF. Timms
1962F. TimmsP. Brown
1961W. BevisW. Kelly
1960T.E. Rees-PriceR.R. Hodson
1959H.C. HicksW.A. Smith
1958F.W. TimmsW. Lynch
1957C. GibbonsW.A. Smith
1956W.A. SmithH. Rosendale

Outdoor Men’s Triples – High Point Challenge Trophy

** denotes Not Played
2023Geoff HayterPete MorrisMark Courtney
2022Mike EdwardsJohn ChurchmanGeoff Hayter
2020Lee FreemanRoger CaswellBen Sharpe
2016M.W. EdwardsP.ReeveJ.D.Mckee
2015M. SpearM.GeareyJ. D. McKee
2014B.G. SharpeR. CastleJ.D. McKee
2013R. AtterwillA.F. SpencerR. Tansley
2012B. CoxM. SpearI.W. Walker
2011E. HolleyD. WalkerW. Stratford
2010M DonohoeT.D. BurnsJ.D. McKee
2009E.C. YorkP.J. MorrisI.W. Walker
2008D. MarriottA.M. HunterC. Jones
2007P. JohnsonC.L. FowkesI.W. Walker
2006A. BillinghamM. RowR. Mann
2005B. CoxI.W. WalkerJ.D. McKee
2004R. InwoodA.F. SpencerJ.D. McKee
2003R. AtterwillM. RowC.F. Fowkes
2002D. WilliamsonR. InwoodJ.D. McKee
2001T.D. BurnsA.R. SlinnM.D. Sharpe
2000M.J. DonohoeC.D. MadenA.F. Spencer
1999L.S. MunnsK.V. JonesP.J. Reeve
1998C. McGeeN. PillingA.F. Spencer
1997C. McGeeK.V. JonesJ.W. Booty
1996T. MartinE.P. TredwellA.F. Spencer
1995M. DakinA.F. SpencerR.C. Worth
1994A.F. FaireyC. JonesR.C. Worth
1993R. LinehamA.G. DanversR.C. Worth
1992J. AllenA.F. SpencerR.G. Tansley
1991J. BaggatR.C. WorthC.L. Fowkes
1990E. SheppardA.G. DanversA.F. Spencer
1989J.D. McKeeD.A. WilsonC.L. Fowkes
1988J. EatonM. DonohoeT. Burns
1987T. MartinI.W. WalkerE.O. Thomason
1986D.F. JonesA.M. HunterK. Felton
1985R. ReidC. RowlandsM Lyman
1984J. JohnsonR. AttwellR.C. Worth
1983P.O. DonohoeR. ReidP.W. King
1982M. SalemA.F. SpencerC. Rowlands
1981R. Everson-WattsC.E. FarmerR.C. Worth
1980L.S. MunnsJ. ClipstonA. Capon
1979C.E. FarmerR. ReidD.S. Wade
1978J. PayneF. TimmsD.S. Wade
1977R. CookeW. StoddardA. Capon
1976J.P. ForanR. JamesA. Ainge
1975L. AnthonyP. BurrowsJ. McGlory
1974A. SpencerD. CrowsonA. Capon
1973D. CrowsonT. BlackwellL.S. Munns

Outdoor men’s Roberts & Harris Novice Cup

** denotes Not Played
2023Matt Desmond
2019A. Castle
2016T Wellburn
2015G Milner
2014P.J. Maloy
2013C. Wright
2012M. Spear
2011N. Rolfe
2010G.R. Alsop
2006P. Johnson
2004R. Caswell
2003R. Slater
2002D. Williamson
2001R.V. Hodgson
2000K Botwright
1999J. Bryan
1997R. Mann
1996T. Stanley
1995K.V. Jones
1994P.J. Reeve
1993A.R. Fairey
1992S.R. Inwood
1991A.D. Maden
1990E.C. York
1989J. Walker
1988A. Redfern
1987R. Care
1986R.G. Tansley
1985I.W. Walker
1984A. Baulch
1983M.D. Sharpe
1982T.D. Burns
1981A. Slinn
1980J.A. Dimmock
1979R. Everson-Watts
1978R.B. Memory
1977W. Stoddard
1976J. McGleish
1975J. Payne
1974J.D. McKee
1973A. Capon
1972T. Blackwell

Foran Fours

Men’s competition that ran until 2010 when it was changed to Mixed. 
2010T.D. BurnsE.C. YorkD. BrumwellP.J. Morris
2009M. DonohoeM. RowR. CaswellP.J. Morris
2008G. SteelT.D. BurnsS.M. TansleyI.W. Walker
2007C. McGeeS. RowR. CaswellJ. Harrison
2005R. MannD. JohnsonV. GeareyC. L. Fowkes
2004C. MorrisT.D. BurnsP.J. MorrisI.W. Walker
2003R. MannC.D. MadenA. HunterC.L. Fowkes
2002R. MannC.D. MadenC.L. FowkesR.G. Tansley
2000R. MannC.D. MadenC.L. FowkesR.G. Tansley
1999D. WhittlesM.J. DonohoeC.D. JonesM. Worthington
1998P. MorrisT.D. BurnsI.W. WalkerJ.D. McKee
1997J.A. HarrisonT. MartinR.F. Everson-WattsA.R. Slinn
1996M.C. HunterMrs.J. JonesK.V. JonesC.L. Fowkes
1995C.D. MadenN.D. McKeeP.J. ReeveM.D. Sharpe
1994J. HarrisonT. MartinR.F. Everson-WattsA.R. Slinn
1993R. LinehamMrs.D. BootyK. TindallJ.W. Booty
1992P. MorrisT.D. BurnsI.W. WalkerJ.D. McKee
1991B. MooreR. ReidE.O. ThomasonE.P. Tredwell
1990R.G. TansleyC.L. FowkesD.A. WilsonD.S. Wade
1989J. WalkerR. ShirleyJ. OsborneD.A. Masters
1988R.G. TansleyC.L. FowkesD.A. WilsonD.S. Wade
1987A.F. SpencerMrs V WadeR.C. WorthM.C. Hunter
1986B. MooreR.ReidE.P. TredwellE.O. Thomason
1985P. MorrisA.M. HunterT.D. BurnsJ.D. McKee
1984P. MorrisE.R.P. SmithT.D. BurnsJ.D. McKee
1983Mrs.V. WadeA. SpencerR.C. WorthM.C. Hunter
1982J. ClipstonR. ReidE.P. TredwellE.O. Thomason
1981J. ClipstonR. ReidE.P. TredwellE.O. Thomason
1980A.F. SpencerMiss V. HunterR.C. WorthM.C. Hunter
1979D.S. WadeD.E. WadeD.A. WilsonJ. McGleish
1978K. AllanR. ReidE.O. ThomasonE.P. Tredwell
1977T. Bishop-BaileyJ. McGloryJ. PayneD. Crowson
1976J. ClipstonR. ReidE.P. TredwellE.O. Thomason


Outdoor Ladies Singles

** denotes Not Played
2023Hilary SharpeSharon Tansley
2022Billie Swift
2021Billie Swift
2019S. Mawson
2018S. M. Tansley
2017H. J. Sharpe
2016B. Bishop
2015S. M. Tansley
2014S.M. Tansley
2013S.M. Tansley
2012Y.C. McKee
2011S. Tansley
2010Y.C. McKee
2009H.J. Sharpe
2008H.J. Sharpe
2007H.J. Sharpe
2006D. Bradshaw
2005M. George
2004J. York
2003S. Tansley
2002S. Garside
2001J.S. Jones
2000J.S. Jones
1999E.M. Wittering
1998E.M. Wittering
1997Y.C. McKee
1996V.A. Wade
1995V.A. Wade
1994V.A. Wade
1993V.A. Wade
1992V.A. Wade
1991V. Danvers
1990V.A. Wade
1989V.A. Wade
1988A.H. Walker
1987J. McArthur
1986M. Wilson
1985V.A. Wade
1984V.A. Wade
1983V.A. Wade
1982V.A. Wade
1981V.A. Wade
1980R. Moran
1979S. Taylor
1978E. Farmer
1977M. Wilson
1976M. Wilson
1975R. Morgan
1974M. Wilson
1973M. Wilson

Outdoor Ladies Pairs – Heath Wilson Trophy

** denotes Not Played
2023Billie SwiftNicky Hardy
2022Celia MorrisBillie Swift
2021Sharon TansleyHilary Sharpe
2019D RolfeY. C. McKee
2018B. BishopS. M. Tansley
2017N. HardyS. Mawson
2016D. WatkinsB. Bishop
2015S. RowY. C. Mckee
2014S.M. TansleyB. Bishop
2013J. FaulknerD. Brumwell
2012M. RolfeH.J. Sharpe
2011D. BrumwellM. Edwards
2010Y.C. McKeeG. Butler
2009D. WilliamsonD. Bradshaw
2008S. RowY.C. McKee
2007HarrisonD. Bradshaw
2006J. YorkD. Bradshaw
2005A. HarrisonC. Morris
2004K. JonesC. Cherry
2003J. YorkA. Harrison
2002M. GeorgeS. Garside
2001J.A. KegginS.E. Row
2000J.V. WhitfordD.C. Brumwell
1999C. M. MorrisH.J. Sharpe
1998J.R. BoothS. Crighton
1997J.M. YorkE.M. Wittering
1996J.M. YorkH. Sharpe
1995J.V. WhitfordE.M. Wittering
1994V. BensteadV.A. Wade
1993V.A. WadeM. Wilson
1992A. CourtneyA. Harrison
1991A. GardenerR.M. Judge
1990J.L. DexterS.M. Tansley
1989J.V. WhitfordR.M. Judge
1988V. BensteadS. Payne
1987U. WorthA. Harrison
1986A. MastersS. Wade
1985M. WilsonB. Dimmock
1984B. DimmockM. Gould
1983H. AttwellE. Ward
1982B. DimmockM. Wilson
1981A. MastersM. Wilson
1980M. CharltonJ. Burns
1979V. HunterM. Gould
1978S. PayneJ. Burns
1977A. MemoryM. Wilson
1976D. ReidM. Wilson
1975E. WardM. Wilson

Outdoor Ladies Triples – Cousins Trophy

** denotes Not Played
2022Barbara ParsonsDawn RolfeBillie Swift
2021Maggie Edwards
Billie SwiftHilary Sharpe
2016D. WatkinsD. BrumwellS.Tansley
2015M.M.EdwardsC.M. MorrisB. Bishop
2014J.L. FaulknerM.M. EdwardsC.M. Morris
2013S.E. RowS.M. TansleyC.M. Morris
2012J. YorkT. HepburnS. Tansley
2011M. RolfeG. EmeryY.C. McKee
2010S. RowJ. YorkC. Morris
2009J. YorkC. MorrisJ. Everson-Watts
2008C. MorrisC. CherryJ. Everson-Watts
2006D. BradshawJ. DexterA. Newitt
2005D. BradshawC. MorrisS. Tansley
2004D. BradshawT. HepburnJ. Everson-Watts
2003J. YorkA. NewittH. Sharpe
2002M. GeorgeM. LayS. Garside
2001J.A. KegginA. HarrisonS.E. Row
2000S.E. RowC. CherryJ.L. Dexter
1999J.M. YorkC.M. MorrisS. Garside
1998K. JonesD. BryanE.M. Wittering
1997K.L. StanleyC.M. MorrisV. Benstead
1996A. HarrisonT. HepburnE. Wittering
1995Y. McKeeA. GardenerD. Booty
1994J. BoothS. CrightonA.H. Walker
1993V.A. WadeJ. DexterS. Garside
1992A. GardenerA. HarrisonP. Thew
1991N. BeardN. DonohoeE. Ward
1990Y. McKeeB. ThomasonM. Wilson
1989V. BensteadN. DonohoeJ. McArthur
1988U. WorthA. HarrisonJ. Everson-Watts
1987V.A. WadeR. JudgeA. Harrison
1986E. FarmerM. DentonB. Dimmock
1985G. ButlerA.H. WalkerR. Judge
1984H. HoughJ. McArthurM. Wilson

Outdoor York Cup – Ladies 2-Wood Triples

Sponsored by Eric and Judy York, longstanding members and officers of the club, the York Cup was first played for in 1997 and ran until 2005. The format was 2-wood triples.
Due to the reduced number of entries for this format it was changed to a Drawn Mixed Triples competition in 2006 and renamed to York Triples.
Results from 2006 onwards for this competition can be found in the Outdoor Honours Board Mixed section
2005S. RowS. CrightonH. Sharpe
2004C. MorrisA. NewittJ. Dakin
2003C. JacobsN. DonohoeG. Butler
2002M. JenkinsD. BrumwellJ. Everson-Watts
2001M. JenkinsJ.M. YorkJ.S. Jones
2000M. JenkinsJ.S. JonesS. Wade
1999J.S. JonesS. CrightonP. Thew
1998J.S. JonesC.M. MorrisD. Booty
1997K. JonesC.M. MorrisV. Benstead

Outdoor Ladies Novice Singles – Fran Gascoigne Cup

** denotes Not Played
2022Katy Cartwright
2021Maggie Sharp
2014B. Bishop
2011T. Beard
2010M. Edwards
2001D. Bradshaw
2000M.A. Tansley
1999D.C. Jones
1998D.L. Williamson
1997K.L. Stanley
1996J. Dakin
1995J.S. Jones
1994J.M. York
1993S. Garside
1992D. Booty
1991B. Turrell
1990M. Jenkins
1989A. Courtney
1988J. Whitford
1987N. Donohoe
1986A. Harrison
1985G.P. Burrows
1984J. Everson-Watts
1983G. Skelton
1982R. Rowlands
1981S.I. Wade
1980M. Hough
1979B. Dimmock
1978M. Fraser
1977S. Ainge
1976B. Thomason
1975D. Heath
1974M. Wilson
1973R. Morgan

Mixed Comps

Morgan Hunter Trophy

Outdoor Mixed Pairs
2019Y McKeeP Morris
2018S.M. TansleyV.C. Gearey
2017C. MorrisJ.D. McKee
2016H SharpeM.D. Sharpe
2015J. SpearC Wright
2014J. MaloyP.J. Maloy
2013S.M. TansleyV.C. Gearey
2012H.J. SharpeM.D. Sharpe
2011J. Everson-WattsA.F. Spencer
2010C. MorrisJ.D. McKee
2009C. MorrisJ.D. McKee
2008C. MorrisJ.D. McKee
2007D. BradshawM. Bradshaw
2006S.E. RowJ. Parker
2005S.M. TansleyC.L. Fowkes
2004H.J. SharpeA.F. Spencer
2003A. NewittJ. Newitt
2002D. BradshawM. Bradshaw
2001J.S. JonesK.V. Jones
2000E.M. WitteringC.D. Jones
1999K.S. JonesK.V. Jones
1998J.S. JonesK.V. Jones
1997J.S. JonesK.V. Jones
1996V.A. WadeD.S. Wade
1995J.M. YorkE.C. York
1994H.J. SharpeA.F. Spencer
1993V.A. WadeD.S. Wade
1992V.A. WadeD.S. Wade
1991S.J. MantonA.M. Hunter
1990S.M. TansleyR.G. Tansley
1989M. WilsonM.D. Sharpe
1988S.M. TansleyR.G. Tansley
1987D.E. WadeV.A. Wade
1986S. PayneD.S. Wade
1985P. FeltonK. Felton
1984J. Everson-WattsR. Everson-Watts
1983B. ThomasonE.O. Thomason
1982V.A. WadeD.E. Wade
1981P.L. ThewP.O. Donohoe
1980B. ThomasonE.O. Thomason
1979D. HeathJ.H. Clipston
1978S. PayneM.C. Worth
1977P.L. ThewD. Crowson
1976V.A. HunterJ. McGleish
1975R. MorganM.C. Hunter
1974R. MorganM.C. Hunter
1973R. MorganM.C. Hunter

Open Comps

Outdoor Mixed 2-Wood Singles

** denotes Not Played
2023Denis HardyPaul Pappalardo
2021Denis Hardy
2019D. Iddles
2018B. Sharpe
2017D. Iddles
2016M. Sharpe
2015B. Sharpe
2014P. Reeve
2013N. Rolfe

Outdoor Open Handicap Singles

** denotes Not Played
YearWinnerRunner(s) Up
2023Martin BrownMatt Desmond
2022Gary Dugdale
2021David Iddles
2019D. Iddles
2018D. Iddles
2017D. Iddles
2016B Sharpe
2015P. Reeve
2014D.J. Walker
2013D.J. Walker
2012I.W. Walker
2011D.J. Walker
2010M.W. Edwards
2009I.W. Walker
2008C.L. Fowkes
2007J. Newitt
2006J. Newitt
2005M. Bradshaw
2004M. Bradshaw
2003C.L. Fowkes
2002J. Newitt
2001Mrs.S.M. Tansley
2000D. Whittles
1998I.W. Walker
1997R.F. Everson-Watts
1996Mrs.J. Jones
1995K.V. Jones
1994A. Slinn
1993I.W. Walker
1992Mrs.S. Tansley
1991N.D. McKee
1990P.O. Donohoe
1989I.W. Walker

Outdoor Open Drawn 2-Wood Pairs

** denotes Not Played
2022Geoff HayterRoger Caswell
2021Denis HardyNicky Hardy
2019B. CoxD. Denton
2018M. EdwardsP. Wellburn
2017S. TansleyR. Atterwill
2016R. AtterwillP. Reeve
2015T. HollyP. Reeve
2014P. ReeveR. Caswell
2013D. BrumwellP. Reeve

Outdoor Mixed Pairs Sheppard Trophy

** denotes Not Played
2023Gary DugdaleColin Adkins
2021Mike EdwardsRoger Caswell
2016B. AstleR. Caswell
2014M.J. RowB. Bishop
2013G. EmeryC. Cherry
2012R.D. AtterwillR.D. Rowland
2011M RowC. Cherry
2010R. AtterwillB. Astle
2009C. CherryC. Jones
2008C. CherryA. Hodgson
2007B. AstleJ. Harrison
2006M. LayB. Kaye
2005D. BrumwellR. Everson-Watts
2004M. LayB. Kaye
2003S. RowB. Kaye
2002J.V. WhitfordR.Everson-Watts
2001C. CherryJ.T. Harris
2000J. Everson-WattsR.F. Everson-Watts

Outdoor York Triples

Originally called the York Cup, which was a 2-Wood Ladies-only competition, the new format York Triples was introduced in 2006 to overcome the reduced number of entries. The new format became a drawn mixed 3-wood competition.
Results up to 2005 can be found in the Ladies Honours Board section
2023Gary DugdaleSandra MawsonMark Courtney
2022Gary Dugdale
Colin TompkinsNigel Hanwell
2021Pete Wellburn
Roger Caswell
Tom Wellburn
2019M SibleyF. IngateD. Denton
2018D. RolfeP. WellburnT. Dawkins
2017P. MilesR. AtterwillP. Morris
2016G. EmeryN. HanwellR. Atterwill
2014M.I. OldhamN.S. HanwellM.J. Row
2013M. EdwardsM.J. RowP. Morris
2012J.M. YorkC.M. MorrisR. Everson-Watts
2011M. EdwardsH. SharpeR. Everson-Watts
2010J. Everson-WattsA. SpencerS. Row
2009B. KayeE. HolleyM.J. Row
2008C. JonesJ. Everson-WattsC.M. Morris
2007J. YorkB. TwiseltonJ. Newitt
2006T. MayC.M. MorrisB. Kaye

Foran Fours Trophy

Originally a Men’s Competition, with a lady playing when players dropped out, The Foran Fours Trophy became a mixed competition from 2011.
2022Sandy HayterDawn RolfeMac SibleyRoger Caswell
2021Not Played This Year
2016D.WatkinsC.MorrisC. WrightM.D. Sharpe
2015N HanwellJ YorkH SharpeR Caswell
2014A. MelvilleE.W. HolleyA.F. SpencerP.J. Reeve
2013M.W. EdwardsE. HolleyJ. Everson-WattsA.M. Hunter
2012H.J. SharpeM.J. RowR.F. Everson-WattsB.G. Sharpe
2011M. RowT. HepburnJ. BryanM.D. Sharpe
2023M. DesmondJ. Hampton
2022M. BrownN. Hanwell

County Competitions

Outdoor County Competitions 2022

YearCompetitionPositionPlayersNational Final
2022Ladies 4’sWinnersCelia Morris, Nicky Hardy, Maggie Edwards, Hilary Sharpe (Billie Swift)
Ladies TriplesWinnersCelia Morris, Billie Swift, Hilary Sharpe
Ladies PairsWinnersSandra Mawson, Pat Bodily
Ladies PairsRunner UpYvonne McKee, Sharon Tansley
Ladies O55 4’sWinnersSandra Mawson, Pat Bodily, Yvonne McKee, Sharon TansleyQtr Finalists
Ladies U25 PairsWinnersAbby Johnson Young, Billie Swift
Ladies Champion of ChampionsRunner UpBillie Swift
Ladies O55 SinglesRunner UpMaggie Edwards
Men’s O55 PairsRunner UpAndrew Manton, Vernon Gearey (Mick Spear)
Men’s TriplesRunner UpJason Bryan, David Iddles, Roger Tansley
Mason CupRunner UpDavid Iddles
Manfield CupWinnersCapt Chic Eichmann
County Top ClubWinnersCapt Chic Eichmann
Monday Night Triples League (KBC A Team)WinnersCapt Mark Tompkins

Outdoor County Competitions 2021

YearCompetitionPositionPlayersNational Finals
2021Men’s Senior FoursWinnersMartin Gearey, Mac Sibley, Andrew Manton & Vernon Gearey1st Round
Ladies TriplesWinnersMaggie Edwards, Sandra Mawson & Pat Bodily1st Round
Ladies Benevolent TriplesWinnersCelia Morris, Maggie Edwards & Yvonne McKee
Ladies Over 55 PairsRunners UpYvonne McKee & Sharon Tansley
Men’s Top ClubRunners UpKBC
Ladies Over 55 4’sWinnersNicky Hardy, Celia Morris, Maggie Edwards, Hilary SharpeLast 16
Ladies Top ClubRunners UpKBC
Ladies Senior PairsArea WinnersHilary Sharpe (KBC) & Tina Broderick (Wellingborough)Qtr Finalists

Outdoor County Competitions 2019

YearCompetitionPositionPlayersNational Finals
2019Ladies 2-Wood SinglesRunner UpSandra Mawson
Ladies 4-Wood SinglesRunner UpPat Bodily
Ladies PairsRunners UpCelia Morris, Hilary Sharpe
Ladies Over 55 SinglesWinnerPat Bodily
Ladies Over 55 PairsWinnersSandra Mawson, Pat Bodily
Ladies FoursRunners UpSandra Mawson, Pat Bodily, Yvonne McKee, Sharon Tansley
Ladies Champ of ChampWinnerPat Bodily
Walker CupRepresented KBCPat Bodily. Sharon Tansley, Yvonne McKee
Amy Rose TrophyRepresented KBCMegan Rolfe
Ladies Top ClubArea Winners
Men’s Under 25 SinglesWinnerConnor Bryan
Men’s Over 55 FoursRunners UpTim Chapman, Pete Morris, Roger Tansley, Mick Sharpe

Outdoor County Competitions 2018

YearCompetitionPositionPlayersNational Finals
2018Ladies SinglesWinnerPat BodilyRnd 2
Ladies Over 55 SinglesRunner UpBrenda Bishop
Ladies Over 55 PairsRunners UpSandra Mawson, Pat Bodily
Ladies Over 55 FoursWinnersSandra Mawson, Pat Bodily, Yvonne McKee, Sharon Tansley1st Round
Men’s FoursRunners UpMark Tomkins, Pete Morris, Martin Gearey, Roger Tansley1st Round

Outdoor County Competitions 2017

YearCompetitionPositionPlayersNational Final
2017Ladies 2 Wood SinglesRunner UpPat BodilyQtr Finalists
Ladies Over 55’s PairsWinnersYvonne McKee, Sharon Tansley
Ladies Top ClubNat CompSemi Finalists
Ladies Triples League Div 1Winners
Mixed FoursNat CompHilary Sharpe, Sharon Tansley, Roger Tansley, Andrew MantonQtr Finalists
Mixed Executive TriplesWinnersMaggie Edwards, Yvonne McKee, Vernon Gearey
Men’s U25 PairsWinnersConor Bryan/David Iddles
Men’s PairsWinnersDavid Iddles, Ben Sharpe2nd Round
Men’s FoursRunners UpDavid Idles, Ray Castle, Ben Sharpe, Mick Sharpe2nd Round
Mens Over 55’s PairsNat CompRoger Tansley, Mick Sharpe2nd Round
Men’s Top ClubNat CompSemi Finalists
Men’s Triples League Div 1Winners‘A’ Team

New Year's Eve

7:30 'til Late

Tickets from Chef Martin, the Bar or Social Committe